As early as being around six I remember my grandmother taking me to church in Atlanta called Mt. Carmel Christian Church, I remember thinking how big and beautiful this place was, but it also reflects a memory of a man that would get red in the face and pound the podium talking about some God man. Boy this made me think this God person was really scary. I don't really remember anyone talking to me about god as a child of my early years.
Around the age of 10; I started attending church with my neighbor and this church had a place for kids. This is when I starting memorizing bible verses and reciting them the next week. I remember doing crafts and I also remember accepting Jesus as my lord and Savior at the age of 13.
For many years I stopped following Jesus and experienced many of the world sins. Much to your amazement yes I was a teenager that felt as though I was invincible.
Married and divorced twice, continued to live a sinful life until God YELLED ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!
I walked into the doors of Eastridge Community Church in 2005, with my daughter in tow who attended E-town this Sunday morning. While attending this service alone, I remember feeling as though I wasn't alone and I truly loved the way this church delivered the word and feeling the Holy Spirit in me. I was so in hopes that my daughter was comfortable in her church group. My sweet daughter and I continued to attend Eastridge and continued to feel right at home.
In 2006, I invited my now husband (Paul) to Eastridge, he accepted and on his first visit I remember asking Paul what he thought about the church he indicated to me that he normally attended a more Traditional church, my thoughts were "Oh well I am not marrying this man so if he likes his more traditional church better; the he could go back to his church".
Paul continued to attend ECC with me and on May 21st 2006 I was baptized. Paul made this day very special for me.
Paul and I were married in 2007 by Scott Moore in the conference room after a Sunday church service with Tracey (Scott wife) as our witness. This is just the beginning of so many wonderful days to come for me and my family at ECC.
In 2008 I attended an event called Women of Purpose. During this event ladies were announcing the up and coming bible studies, I remember thinking how each and every bible study sounded so good. When the last bible study was announced by Renee Rutledge she asked the ladies in the room "How many of you ladies have attended a step study") WOW the hands that went up; So many of the ladies that I looked at with great admiration.Without a doubt I knew right then and there I want what these women have, so I signed up for my very first Bible Study.
In 2009 the new Bible Study (Step Study) at my church called Celebrate Recovery began. The bible study made me a bit uncomfortable at first; but I knew this is exactly where god wanted to me to be at this very moment in my life.
The bible study took 9 months to complete, teaching me the 8 Principles to follow in life and the 12 steps to take in order to get there.
Of the 12 steps the one that is so relevant to me is step 6. I was entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character from my life."Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up James 4:10
Before God could remove all the baggage in my life and heal the past hurts I had to be ready to give it over to God, I will not tell you these steps were easy because I had 40 years of garbage in my life I had to hand over to God, but I am so glad God is carrying those burdens today and not me.
Today I continue to focus on Principle 6 and "Evaluate all my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I have done to others, except when to do so would harm them or others. "Happy are the merciful,"and "Happy are the peacemakers." Matthew 5:7a and 5:9.
During this walk in my life I remember hearing Amazing Grace during a Church Service; but it was being delivered in a different way that I had ever heard before. The song by Chris Tomlin. Some of the lines that really touched me :
My Chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
and like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing Grace
Wow, that is exactly what God had done for me in my life. He released me from the chains that had bound me in a life of sin, He set me free of all the hurts I had experienced in my past life and he Ransomed me from myself. He rained his mercy over me so I could feel free. Wow his amazing grace he bestowed on MY LIFE.
I stand truly amazed today to be the woman god had planned me to be; a light that will shine for my Lord and Savior.
Hi! I am Jennifer's friend, she sent me over to your blog. I am touched by your story and hope that someday I will have a similar one. I am just in the beginning of turning my life over to the Lord, so I am still struggling with everything and trying to really just find that faith again. I look forward to reading more from you!